The vengeful goddess

Posted by Vicky544 11 days ago (

Description: "They gave it to me," she said. "They thought they had found out the truth because of my help, and perhaps I should keep it. But I thought you were the one who was really qualified to keep it. Maybe you don't want to keep it — She handed him the picture of Winifred that Claudius had shown her in the drawing room of the old manor. He held it in his hand and watched it intently. Suddenly his face changed, and the wrinkles loosened and tightened again. Mabel looked at him in silence. There was a moment of silence, and Winslow was watching the two of them, Mabel and Mitchell. It suddenly occurred to him that this was a critical moment, a moment that might affect his whole new life. Mitchell sighed, held out his hand, and handed the picture back to Mabel. Yeah, you're right. I don't want to keep it. The past time is all gone. She's gone. I can't have her anymore. What I can do now is to pick myself up and move forward. You- "he hesitated and looked at her:" "You understand, don't you?" Yes, I understand. I'm thinking, you're right. Good luck. It's time for you to start living again. He said goodbye and went out. Well, he's not a very enthusiastic young man. He should be especially grateful to you for what you have done for him. Said Winsted. Oh, don't be so polite,ultrasonic spray nozzle, "said Mabel." I don't want him to do that. This will make it more difficult for him. You know, it's very difficult when a person needs to start a new life and see everything and do everything from a different perspective. I'm thinking he might be something. He's not a vicious person, and that's the most important thing. I totally understand why that girl loves him so much. "Well, maybe this time he's going the right way." "Who can be sure?" "I don't know if he has the ability to help and control himself, unless-but most importantly, I hope he will meet another girl who is suitable for him,ultrasonic sonochemistry machine," Mabel said. "What I like about you," Winslow said, "is your pleasant, realistic ideas." "She's coming soon." Bloni said to Oostero. Yeah, this whole thing is out of the blue. What do you think? "I couldn't believe it at first," Bloni said. "You know, when poor old Rafael died, I thought, he's old and he's playing a joke on us." The bell rang. Ostrow picked up the phone. Oh, she's here, ultrasonic dispersion machine ,ultrasonic sonochemistry machine, isn't she? Ask her to come in. "It's the strangest thing I've ever heard in my life," he said. "An old lady has to go to the country and keep busy, asking things she can't figure out herself. You know, the police believe that the woman's suicide was not just one murder, but three. As the old lady said, Winifred's body was buried under a mound in the garden. She was not strangled, and her head and face were not disfigured. "I wonder if the old lady can come back safely herself." "She's too old to take care of herself," Bloni said. "It seems that there are two female detectives protecting her." "What, two female detectives?" "Yes, I heard so." Mabel was led to their office. Congratulations, Miss Mabel. Said Bloni, rising to meet her. Great, you did a great job! Ostos said, shaking her hand. Mabel sat calmly on the other side of the desk. "I have told you in my letter," she said, "I have finished the task that Rafael gave me. I think I finally got away with it. Yeah, I know. We've heard. Yes, you did a great job! Miss Mabel, we congratulate you. "At first I was afraid," said Mabel, "that I couldn't do it. It seems to be a difficult and almost impossible task. "Yes!"! That's true. To me, it seems completely impossible. I don't understand. How did you do it, Miss Mabel? "Oh," said Mabel, "this is what the Bible says: long-suffering and grace. Isn't it? Make things turn around? "Now it comes to the money on our side.". We are at your disposal. Do you want us to deposit it in your bank account? Or do you want to invest the money? This is a huge sum of money. "Twenty thousand pounds in all." "Yes, it's a lot of money," Mabel said. "If you want to introduce us to our brokers, they can tell you something about investment practices." "Oh, I don't want to make any investment." "Of course it has to be-" "At my age, I don't have to save any more money," Mabel said. "I'm sure Monsieur Raphael would like me to use the money and enjoy myself. Not many people have such an opportunity to enjoy the joy of life! "Well, I see what you mean." "So you want us to put this money in your bank account?" Said Bloni. "Please deposit it in my account at Middleton Bank, 132 High Street, St. Mary Medder." Mabel said. I want to put it in your deposit account? "No," she said. "Put it in my checking account." "Don't you think-" "I insist." "Please put it in my checking account,ultrasonic dispersion machine," said Mabel. He stood up and shook hands. If in doubt, you can consult your bank manager. People often have a rainy day! She shook hands with both of them again. Thank you so much. You've been so kind to me, giving me the information I need. "Are you sure you want to deposit the money in your checking account?" ?

Category: Technology

